Soul Plan


This is the place to start. With this package you get a Soul Plan Reading + a healing session.

With a Soul Plan Reading you get the blueprint of your life, hidden within your birth name and with the following healing session, you get to integrate the knowledge into your system.

You get to know your innate talents, your challenges, aspirations, overall purpose and your highest potential.

This package can be combined with Rahanni healing, Divine Healing or Altantean Healing.

(Click to read more about the healing styles).

Deep Dive


This unlimited 6 month package, ensures you learn to understand and communicate with your soul, mind and body, for an infinite inner journey.

A deep dive journey empowers you to embrace transformation and experience profound healing on all aspects of your being; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. To truly heal your blocks, pain and suffering, you must identify them and get to the core of the issue to move through it. Healing involves becoming uncomfortable, facing past experiences and breaking free from patterns that are no longer serving you.

As part of this comprehensive healing journey, I offer holistic counselling, energy psychology, subconscious re-programming, multidimensional healing, energy healing, core issue therapy and soul purpose analysis. Your higher self is always in charge and will lead us to the right type of therapy you need depending on where you are at on your healing journey. This package also includes Voxer access, so you can access my support outside of sessions, with my commitment to respond within 24 hours.

Transform the areas of your life that you’re struggling with;

  • Develop self-compassion

  • Learn to trust yourself

  • Listen more to your inner guidance system (intuition).

  • Feel confident to use your voice

  • Put yourself first

  • Implement boundaries where you need to

  • Support your own growth and healing going forward

  • Discover the best and most integrated version of you

  • Start living from a place of connectedness, authentic purpose and inner truth. 

Services included in the Deep Dive Package

  • Holistic Counselling

    Holistic Counselling

    By combining a traditional approach with more holistic methods, you are guided to reconnect with your mind, body and soul and to your own inner wisdom and power so that you may begin to understand what makes you the unique and exquisite person that you are.

  • Soul Plan

    Soul Plan reading

    A Soul Plan Reading is based upon the sound vibration of your birth name. Your name is one of the first sounds identifying you in this life and, therefore, a starting point in uncovering information about your life’s plan and purpose.

  • Atlantean Healing Paddles

    Atlantean Healing Paddles

    The Atlantean Healing Paddles combine magnetic energies with colour vibrations focused through universal symbols and are used in many different ways on the body and energetic field. They serve to balance many conditions with their geometric form and colour.

  • Divine Healing Master Key

    Divine Healing

    This channelled method of healing is based on the spiritual law of "ask and you shall receive". It enables the quick and effective identification and clearing of core patterns and thus frees your life force for greater health, connection and well-being.

  • Rahanni Celestial Healing

    Rahanni Celestial Healing

    Rahanni Celestial healing is a heart based energy healing of pure unconditional love. It works on a higher vibrational level (fifth dimension and above) with ascended masters and angelic realms. Rahanni can bring balance to the heart centre, helping with self love and compassion.

  • Soul Transformation Therapy

    Soul Transformation Therapy

    Soul Transformation Therapy (STT) is a new and complete therapy system that uses a Soul Archetype Tarot Deck to get to an issue's deeper underlying root cause. This system builds on and works with the energies of Soul Plan and will go deeper to resolve the underlying concern.

Do you want to book an individual healing session?

What do my clients say?

I am here to guide you on the right path, work with you in the healing process, and support you to grow and return home to yourself.

You can create a life that you absolutely love, but first, you must do the inner work.

It is the reason you are here.