Soul Transformation Therapy

Soul Transformation Therapy

Soul Transformation Therapy, created by Blue Marsden in 2014 is an exciting and powerful new modality. It uses Soul Plan tarot-like cards to diagnose a core challenge very quickly, which is blocking the person from their purpose or Soul Plan potential and then provides innovative spiritual, energetic and transformative healing solutions to help.

How can Soul Transformation Therapy help me?

Maybe you have tried lots of therapies, but you still feel the issue is there and it’s stopping you from moving forward with your life. The aim of this therapy is to free you from limiting unconscious patterns of separation; old patterns of behaviour and thought patterns, and help you to feel connected to yourself at the deepest level.

Conventional talking therapy serves a purpose and it can take time, but with Soul Transformation Therapy, you can get to the root of your issues quickly, release trauma and experience rapid healing that can advance you on your spiritual journey. You will then feel liberated to make changes in your life and feel more aligned with your authentic self.

Many of the issues we carry are hard to reach because they are held deeper than our conscious mind, they can be subconscious or even multidimensional, generational, past life, etc. and thus hidden from our awareness, so patterns continue to play out no matter what we do. Soul Transformation Therapy gets to the core of the issue that is occurring and provides a range of healing interventions that work to heal on multiple levels and bring about big shifts.

  • The session is structured in the following way:

    Identification of the polarity issue and separation pattern affecting the client at this time and/or blocking the client’s true potential

    Identification of the most appropriate healing interventions based on the core of the issue

    Interventions (one to three different interventions within a one-hour session)

    Integration and grounding

    Closing procedure

  • Cord Balancing and Vow Break to release cords and vows holding one in limitation

    Trauma release, which is a unique and gentle yet powerful energy psychology technique to release emotions

    Soul retrieval, which focuses on guiding the client into a deep state of unconsciousness to allow for healing on an energy level and / or identify with unintegrated parts of the self

    Archetype Work / Parts Dialogue, which is similar to Jungian archetypes, psychosynthesis, and subpersonality work

    Odic Bonding, which is a powerful intervention to heal mother-issues and connection to the Divine Mother 

    Boundary Tapping with Polarity Infinity Rewiring for releasing deep, stuck emotions and to assist the client in setting healthy boundaries

    Boundary Tapping for Control Issues to release deep, stuck emotions related to control issues

    Energetic Healing and Balancing


Healing in this context means coming into balance on a soul and physical level. We are working in a holistic way to bring mind, body and spirit into balance and harmony. After a session you may experience a physical detox or emotional release. These treatments are in no way meant to replace seeking medical advice.

Book your Soul Transformation Therapy session

1 hour 15 minutes @ £80


“I felt comfortable and safe with Susannah, confident that she was familiar with the territory. The session revealed old pain that I had not realised had affected me so deeply. Since then I have been gently remembering and acknowledging what my younger self went through. I now feel more complete in myself and more confident about moving forward in a new career. I would highly recommend Susannah for any healing work and STT in particular.”
