(Distance healing)

Rahanni Celestial Healing

Rahanni Celestial Healing

Rahanni is a relatively new form of energy healing that was first introduced in 2002 by Carol Stacey, a spiritual teacher and healer from the UK.

Rahanni calls upon specific high-vibrational energies of Ascended Masters, Archangels, and other light beings and brings calmness, relaxation, emotional balancing and promotes wellbeing.

Rahanni emphasizes the importance of unity and oneness. The meaning of Rahanni is ‘One Heart’

Rahanni benefits

  • Helps with anxiety, depression, stress and physical pain

  • Balances the masculine and feminine energies, chakras and body’s systems

  • Aids emotional healing, forgiveness of others and yourself

  • Stronger connection to the spiritual realms

  • Clears negativity: negative thought patterns, hate, jealousy, anger and judgement,etc.

  • Helps to release fears that we accumulate from past experiences which allows us to live our true essence

  • Aids spiritual growth

  • Heightens intuition

  • Helps to heal your Inner Child

  • Sense of oneness with the Divine

  • Deeper understanding of one's 'Life Purpose'

Rahanni distance sessions

Distance sessions will take place in the comfort of your own home and can be done worldwide, so you do not have to live within my location. Sessions are 45 minutes of channelled healing followed by 10 minutes of feedback at the end which will include a description of any visions I experienced during the session.

Your higher self is always in control of what happens in each session. Warmth, tingles, or energy moving around may be felt in certain areas. Many fall into a relaxed state and sleep. It is an individual experience.

Rahanni precautions

Unfortunately, I am unable to offer my services to people with Schizophrenia


Rahanni is a natural healing modality and a complementary therapy. It works alongside conventional medicine and is not a substitute.

Do you want to book a Rahanni Distance Healing session?

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