• A little about me

    A little about me

  • My personal astrology

    Astrology - Pisces Sun, Libra Rising, Capricorn Moon

  • My Human Design

    Human Design - 2/4 Manifesting Generator Hermit / Opportunist

  • My Life Path number

    Life Path - number 6/33 Personal year 2

  • My Soul Plan destiny number

    Soul Plan - Soul Destiny 11-2


Growing up in South East London on a council estate wasn’t easy. My childhood was tough and it began to shape me as an adult…

Spiritual Counsellor and Holistic Healer

I grew up in a single parent household on a London Council Estate in the 1980's. My mother did not know how to connect with me and meet my needs, so from a young age, I thought it was my responsibility to take care of her needs and become her mother. She was in a domestic violence relationship, so home was not safe for us, and for 9 months I was placed in the care system. These early traumas lead to many issues in my adult relationships. Not only was I stuck in a 'victim cycle' (Victim, Saviour and Persecutor) with members of my family, but I also had a wall up around my heart because of my deep mother wound, so for a long time, I had an avoidant attachment style. I was also emotionally damaged by Childhood Emotional Neglect and so I shut myself away from the world often. I just wanted to hide, both physically and emotionally.

I was stuck.

  • Solitude was a natural home for me, but the loneliness was really crippling most of the time. I was a people pleaser, and completely unaware of my own feelings and I did not know how to put boundaries in place, so I would prioritise other peoples needs over mine. I was so unconscious of this pattern, that I convinced myself that putting other peoples needs before my own made me happy. I could not see just how much I was abandoning myself. 

    Something unfolded in my mid thirties that made my question my entire reality. This was my dark night of the soul. I left a long term relationship that was no longer serving me, walked away from what I perceived to be financial stability at the time, and I created a new life for myself. I went on an inner child healing journey, and for the first time in my life, I could see clearly what I had been through when I was a child and I knew that none of it was my fault. I put in boundaries with family, and I began listening to myself and using my voice and after lots of deep dive inner work, I started to feel secure in relationships and more at peace with my life experiences.

    Writing poetry became an important outlet for me to heal my inner children, by giving them a voice to speak. I created an Instagram page called windowpain_poetry and not only did I find a beautiful community of writers, but I also found the courage to finally share my story…


I discovered myself…

I discovered myself within the shadowed window panes, and I began to write.

Those shadows no longer scare my inner child at night.

So, I ask myself; has my window pain now become my window light?


I am trained in the following:

Holistic Counselling - Holistic healing college, London

Holistic Healing - Holistic healing college, London

Soul Plan reading and advanced Soul Plan reading - Holistic healing college, London

Soul Transformation Therapy, Holistic healing college, London

Atlantean Healing Paddles, Holistic healing college, London

Divine Healing Level 1 & 2 - Centre of love and enlightenment

Rahanni Celestial Healing - Tracey Ann Tuomey

EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Level 2 - Karl Dawson Academy

I am fully insured and am registered with the Complementary Medical Association