Divine Healing Master Key

Divine Healing Master Key

This channelled method of healing is based on the Spiritual Law of

“Ask and you shall receive”

It enables the quick and effective identification and clearing of core patterns and thus frees your life force for greater health, connection and well-being.

This system of healing is multidimensional, meaning that you may clear all parts of you that hold a particular energy. This includes the following:

  • Your soul records

  • Inherited ancestral patterns

  • Unresolved past life issues

  • Hidden ego agendas, sabotages and conflicts

  • Blocks in the chakras and subtle bodies

  • Fears and phobias, Interference energies including entities

  • Negative judgements and beliefs

  • Life stresses

It can also facilitate:

  • Regeneration and rejuvenation of your cells

  • Enhancing of brain functions/integration

  • Stabilisation of hydration/dehydration in the body

  • Encoding of healing essences, colours and crystals

  • Balancing your body’s nutrition and biochemistry

  • Harmonising and alignment of your energy bodies and chakras

  • Balancing the five elements

  • Improvement in your eyesight.

By the end of a session you will have uncovered and cleared many faulty programs, all relating to the intention set at the start of the session. Once these issues are cleared you will gain new insights and will be able to hold more light to align more easily with your Divine Purpose.


Healing in this context means coming into balance on a soul and physical level. We are working in a holistic way to bring mind, body and spirit into balance and harmony. After a session you may experience a physical detox or emotional release. These treatments are in no way meant to replace seeking medical advice.

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